Hi guys this is complete information page for abroad jobs. Today we are going to talk about Albania Abroad Jobs for Foreigners.

What you find in this article?
- Details about the vacancy in Albania
- New job demands for Albania from Nepal
- Cost you have to pay for this job
- Updates Demands for Albania via various manpower companies in Nepal.
- Available jobs for foreigners
- In demand jobs in Albania
- Eligibility for permanent resident in Albania and many more
Albania Abroad Jobs for Foreigners
Albania is a European country in south east. It is small and beautiful country. The economy of this country is growing gradually and slowly. Hence there is demand of workers in various sectors.
Few decades back people from Albania used to shift the neighboring country in search of employment.
This has reduced the population. Therefore there is shortage of skilled as well as unskilled workers in Albania.
Types of Visas for Foreigners
Foreigners can migrate to Albania under these visas.
- Working visa
- Student visa
- Visit visa
Working Visa: there is demand of Nepali workers in Albania. The manpower companies in Nepal works for this. The Albanian government open work permit visa for Nepali citizens.
The Nepalese migrant workers get such facility while working in Albania.
- Contract period 2 years
- Fooding and accommodation offered by the employers
- Working days 5 or 6 in a week according to the company
Job Demand in Albania for Nepali
- Kitchen helpers
- House keeping
- Cleaners
- Pizza makers
- Bar tender
- Working in gasoline
- Assistant cook
- Waiters
- Dish washers
- Drivers
- Factory workers
- Construction workers
- Electrician
- Plumbers
- Mechanics etc.
Salary in Different Jobs
Salary differs according to the professions. However the average salary for migrant Nepali workers is 65 to 90 thousand per month.
Students Visa
Albania is a good hub for the students. The students from Nepal can shift to Albania for their further study. The living cost is cheap in this country. Similarly, the cost of education is also very slim. Hence it is the point of attraction for the foreign students.
Students willing to go Albania for higher study can search the universities and colleges via internet. For this they can directly approach the website of the universities and colleges.
Beside this the education consultancies also assist the students in this regard. But the cost will go up in this process.
Visit Visa or Short Term Visa
This visa is for 90 days. The visit visa holder can stay for 90 days only. If you wish to remain there more than this period of time then you must extend your visa.
PR Eligibility in Albania
Foreign workers living and working continuously for five years can apply for permanent residency. Beside the applicants must meet the minimum required condition for PR.
Ways to Immigrate Albania
The foreigners can migrate to Albania under the following ways.
- Family reunion
- Business immigration
- Property purchasing
- Research migration
- Education
- Marriage
- To work in Albania
- Tourist as visitors
- Special service at Albania
Online Job Search from Nepal
The interested individuals can search the available vacancies from home. Just using the internet you can look for the available jobs in different organizations. Here are some job sites lists to search the jobs.
- Career jet
- Go abroad
- Overseas jobs
- Unjobs.org
The above job portals give the information about the vacancy available for foreigners in Albania.
Beside this if you have any question about the abroad jobs then contact us. We will try to solve your problem within one working day.
Albania Introduction
In 1912 Albania get its independence from Ottoman Empire. Later on Italy conquered Albania in 1939. Germany occupied Albania in 1943. In course of time Albania allied itself with USSR and later with China. In early 1990’s Albania established multiparty democracy.
Albania joined NATO in 2009. Since 2014 it is the member of European Union.
Albania Geography
Total Area: 28,748 sq. km
Land Area: 27,398 sq. km
Water Area: 1350 sq. km
Albania has diverse climate. The country has mild temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold. The winter is wet and cold. Spring is cool and clear. The summer is hot and dry. But there might be heavy rains during summer as well.
Natural resources
The major natural resources of Albania are petroleum and natural gases. Similarly, it has coal mines. Some other important natural resources of the country are bauxite, chromite, copper, iron ore, nickel, salt, timber, hydropower, and arable land.
The country produces wooden furniture’s for the export.
People and Society
The Population of Albania is about 3,101,621 according to the population census of 2023.
Ethnic groups
The country has mixed ethnic groups. Like about 82.6 percent are Albanian. There are Greek 0.9%, other 1% (including Vlach, Romani, Macedonian, Montenegrin, and Egyptian).
The rest 15.5 percent are unspecified.
The official language is Albanian. About 98.8% people speak Albanian language in the country. Nearly 0.5% uses Greek language. Some other 0.6% speaks Macedonian, Romani, Vlach, Turkish, Italian, and Serbo-Croatian.
The rest 0.1% are unspecified.
Albania is multi religious country. Hence there are people of all community in the country. The composition of different religions is given here.
Population growth rate
The country has around 0.19% population growth rate. The data is based on 2023.
Albania has parliamentary republic government. There is multiparty democracy in the country. Prime minister is the head of executive body.
The capital city of Albania is Tirana.
Executive Body
President is the chief of the state. Similarly, prime Minister is the head of the government. General election selects the Prime Minster for the country.
Legislative Body
The country has unicameral Assembly. It has total 140 seats. It consists of directly elected members of parliament and proportional representation. The tenure of each member is of 4 years.
Economic overview
The country is gradually improving its economic status. It was suffering from the pandemic of virus in 2019. The earth quake also damaged the economy of the country. High debt and imbalance of government account is the next problem of Albania.
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