Canadian Work Permit and Visa Process

Canadian Work Permit and Visa Process

Canadian Work Permit and Visa Process

Work Permit is a legal document permitting the foreign nationals to engage in work in abroad. Hence you need work permit to work in Canada. Learn more about Canadian Work Permit and Visa Process from this article.

Each year Canada provides more than half million-work permit for the foreign nationals. Canada is a prime destination for the migrant workers. In this article we discuss on Canadian Work Permit and Visa Process.

Working Canada is an excellent first step for those who are looking for the permanent settlement.

Canadian Work Permit and Visa Process

There are several ways to live and work in Canada. Well, let us discuss on them in brief.

  • Who is eligible to live and work in Canada?
  • Types of available Canadian work permits
  • How to get work permit for Canada?
  • Is job offer letter enough to apply for work permit?
  • Where can I work under Canadian work permit?
  • Can I include family member in the work permit application?
  • How much does the Canadian Work permit cost for Nepali?

Canada Work Permit Application

Before applying for the work permit in Canada you have know about the following points.

  • How can I apply for Canadian work permit?
  • Documents required for Canadian work permit application?
  • Biometrics for Canadian work permit
  • Police report from the concerned applicant’s country
  • Medical test of the applicant
  • Prescribed size 10 copies passport size photos
  • How long does it take to process the Canadian work permit application?
  • What is LMIA application?
  • How to check the status of my work permit?
  • Situations for the refusal of the work permit application
  • How to activate the work permit

Working in Canada

As soon as you receive the work permit and visa for Canada then you can migrate to Canada. Here are some points you must learn before you start working in Canada.

  • Job hunting in Canada
  • What are the privileges of working in Canada?
  • How to extend the work permit duration?
  • What is my work permit number?
  • Can I work without work permit or not in Canada?
  •  Is it possible to get work permit without job offer?
  • Do Canadian work permit have an age limit?
  • How to get Canadian health insurance while working in Canada?

How to Convert Student Visa to Work Permit Visa in Canada?

In the recent years Canada is being the education hub for Nepali students. Every year thousands of Nepali students are migrating to Canada for their further study. The earliest challenge for these students is to get work permit soon after the completion of their study. Without work permit you are not allowed to work in Canada.

Sponsor for Work Permit

The student willing to get work permit must have one sponsor for the employment. This employer must take the permission from the concerned authority of Canadian government. Only then the work permit visa process begins from there.

Steps for Work Permit Job in Canada

  • First of all find the job according to your knowledge and qualification
  • Now approach to your employer for the sponsorship
  • The employer has to pay amount for the sponsorship of the migrant workers hence it is not an easy task.
  • Most of the migrant workers bear the cost themselves with the bilateral take with the employer so that it will be easy to get work permit.

More details about it you can learn from the official website of Canadian government.

Labor Scarcity in Canada

The population growth rate is very low in Canada. Hence there is shortage of active working age group people. So to fulfill the demand of labor in its domestic market the Canadian government allows the private sector to enroll the migrant workers.

This opportunity is much attractive among the migrant workers of developing nations like Nepal. It is because such developing nations are in the vicious circle of poverty. To some extent the abroad employment has solved the unemployment problem of the developing nations.

If you have any queries about the job opportunity either for students or migrant workers then see our expert’s team. You can contact either by message from the contact us page or you can send the email in our official email ID. You can find it in our contact us page.

Finally we would like to express best wishes to all the Nepali students currently studying in Canada for their bright future.

Before you start your Journey to Canada, please learn about Canadian Work Permit and Visa Process.

Some FAQ about Canadian Work Permit Jobs

Here are some very common questions in the mind of all the interested migrant workers. We are trying to answer these questions in brief at the end of the article.

  • How long is the Canadian work permit valid?
  • Difference between Canadian work permit and Canadian working visa
  • Is the any English language course like IELTS mandatory for work permit application?
  • Do I need work permit to enter Canada?
  • Can the Canadian employer sponsor me to live and work in Canada?

Read the article till end. We are trying to provide the satisfactory answers to these questions.

Who is Eligible to Live and Work in Canada?

Almost all the foreign citizens need work permit to live and work in Canada. However, there are some jobs which do not require work permit in Canada. Learn more about these jobs from our previous articles.

To apply for work permit you need job offer letter from the Canadian employer. The job offer letter must be supported by Labor Market Impact Assessment.

 There are some exceptions for LIMA. Details about it you can get from the official website of Canadian government.

Types of Canadian Work Permit

The government of Canada provides different kinds of work permit. It depends upon the type of work you are looking for. Hence the Canadian government is eager to provide working visa for the foreign nationals basically in those areas where there is acute shortage of manpower.

More details we will be discussing in our next article. We are continuously working to provide the abroad job notices and information in

In this regard if you have any question and query then you can contact our experts’ team. They will reply you with in one working day.

This post gives you some basic knowledge about the work permit and working visa jobs in Canada. Further more you can explore from the authentic websites of Canadian government.