Nepali citizens can go Cyprus for abroad jobs. Hence we are going to provide information about Cyprus Job for Nepali.

Cyprus Job for Nepali
Cyprus is a European country. It lies in the boarder of Europe and Asia. The main languages spoken are Greek, Turkish and English. It is the member country of European Union. There are four boarding countries with Cyprus. They are Syria, Turkey, Egypt and Greece. Cyprus is not the member of Schengen countries.
Romania Jobs for Nepali
Romania can be the alternate to Cyprus. Hence learn more about it from our previous articles. Just tap on the above link to learn more about Romania jobs.
Cyprus to Other European Countries
As Cyprus is not the member of Schengen countries individuals having Cyprus visa cannot go to other European countries. Therefore you must be aware about it. The manpower people or other agents may suggest you to take to other European countries but it is not possible.
Best Jobs in Cyprus
Here are the major jobs for the migrant workers in Cyprus.
- Medical workers including all kinds of medical persons
- IT sector jobs
- Accounting professionals in the related field
- Care givers
- House keeping
- Baby sitters
- Cook, waiters and waitress
- Cleaners
- Farming sectors jobs
Major Nepali Women Enrolled Jobs
Nepali migrant female workers get job in care giver and domestic helpers. In such jobs Nepali women must have good health, minimum height and weight.
Things to Know for Cyprus Job
Individual willing to go for Cyprus abroad jobs must learn the following key points.
- Know either the job demand is authorized or not
- Visit Nepal government’s foreign employment department website and find either the concerned manpower company is in the list or not.
- Go through the contract letter and know about the working hours, salary and tax to be paid.
- Make your own calculation about the earning or expenditure before deciding on it.
Cyprus Jobs for Nepali Workers
The country is safe for the workers. There are very less criminal activities in the country. Skilled people are making good earning over there. Therefore the most important thing is that take at least semi-skilled orientation or training before moving for the abroad jobs.
Find Authorized Manpower for Employment
Do not ask about the application process and salary in Cyprus with us. We are not the agent or manpower company. We are simply sharing the information for the interested candidates. But rests of the things you have found yourself. Never go after the crowed.