Different Germany Working Visa Jobs !!!

Different Germany Working Visa Jobs !!!

Germany Working Visa for 2023

Germany provides work permit visa for the foreigners. Here we discuss on Germany Working Visa for 2023.

Apply Now

Just follow these steps to make online work permit visa jobs for Germany. Go through these points properly.

  • First of find the visa appropriate to your knowledge and qualification
  • Get the details of different visa at the end of this article.
  • You need hotel booking or house of your relatives.

Knowledge of German language is most important if you wish to live and work in Germany.

Germany Working Visa for 2023

Germany provides two types of visa for the foreigners. It is short term visa and long term visa. The short term visa is also called Schengen visa. Short term Schengen visa is of ninety days only.

Schengen Visa

This visa is mainly for the following purpose.

  • Holiday celebration
  • Business purpose
  • Medical treatment

Long Term Visa

It is also called national visa in Germany. This visa includes the following categories.

  • Au pair visa

People in the age group 18 to 27 years are eligible for this visa. Basically this visa is for the domestic helpers.

  • FSG/ BFD visa

Volunteer workers need this visa. it is of six months to one year.

  • Student Visa

Foreigners’ students can apply for the student’s visa. If you want to study in German language then it is very cheap. Almost you will get scholarship if you wish to study in German language. But if you want to study in English colleges then comparatively it is expensive.

Ausbildung ( Vocational Training ) Visa

Germany provides vocational training for non EU citizens in 350 different professions. The employing company provides salary for the trainee during the training period.

  • Working Visa

Germany provides working visa for citizens of most of the countries in the world. Basically Germany is looking for the skilled man power to enroll as working visa. Skilled and professional people working in information and technology can apply for this visa.

  • Job Seeker Visa

This visa is for the skilled persons. This visa holder can enter Germany and look for the jobs. Similarly, the job seekers visa holders must have minimum amount in the bank account.

If you have required qualification for job seeker visa then you can apply for this visa in German embassy in your country.

After you reach to Germany you have find the job over there. Once you find the job then you have to change this visa into work permit visa.

Family Reunion Visa

If you have family member or spouse residing in Germany then you can apply for this visa. There are certain criteria for the visa application. Therefore if you meet these eligibility criteria then you can apply for this visa.

Minors of the Germany resident are eligible for this visa.

  • Special Cook Visa

If you have minimum six years of experience as a special cook then you can apply for this visa.

  • Training and Internship Visa  
  • Language Visa

More details about it you can get from the official website of government of Germany.

We are not the agent or the manpower company. Therefore you must collect the required knowledge before making the visa application.