Nepal Malaysia Labor Agreement

Nepal Malaysia Labor Agreement

Nepal Malaysia Labor Agreement

Nepal and Malaysian government have bilateral agreement to send workers from Nepal. Here are highlights of Nepal Malaysia Labor Agreement.

Things to Know in Malaysia

The migrant workers must learn these basic rules of Malaysia. It will make your Malaysia living comfortable.

Nepal Malaysia Labor Agreement

 Malaysia is the major destination for the migrant Nepali workers. Hence there is high demand of Nepali workers in Malaysia. So to make the abroad job safe and well managed Nepal government has made bilateral agreement with Malaysia. Here we are now going to discuss about some major points of this agreement.

Major Highlights of Agreement

  • Free ticket and free visa for Nepali workers willing to work in Malaysia.
  • All the expense like air ticket, visa cost and medical checkup must be bear by the employer in Malaysia.
  • According to the new labor agreement Nepali workers has to pay less income compared to previous situation.
  • The labor contract for the Nepali workers in Malaysia was 3 years but now it is of two years only.
  • Salary will be paid in the bank by 7th of each month by the company.
  • Nepali migrant will get not less than minimum salary as prescribed the Malaysian government.

More Points about new agreement

  • Accommodation, health and security are the obligation of the employer in Malaysia.
  • Employer must be taken to the working place within 6 hours of arrival of the airport in Malaysia.
  • In the dispute of employee and employer the worker are allow to remain in Malaysia till the final decision of the case.
  • Paid leave for the workers in the death of the immediate family members in Nepal.
  • Employer must inform about the accident of the worker in the company to the Nepali embassy in Malaysia.

According to this new labor agreement the migrant workers will be benefited. Similarly the fraud and cheating in the name of agents and man Power Company will be minimized.

We are giving such information via our web page. Hence if you have any questions about the abroad job contact us. Our team is ready to provide support in this regard.

Finally we would like to express best wishes to all the migrant Nepali workers in Malaysia.