Well today we are going to discuss on Palmistry knowledge with Picture. It is branch of astrology.

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Different Types of Hands
Palmistry is also called branch of Samudrik Shastra (Science of Body Signs). It was created by the sage Samudra, and therefore it is called Samudrik Shastra. Hence based on its principles, the future is predicted by studying the various lines in hands.
Palmistry knowledge with Picture
The lines on the palms keep changing and fluctuating during the waxing and waning phases of the moon (Shuklapaksha and Krishnapaksha), but the overall structure of the hands remains unchanged. So looking at the structure of the hands, there are seven types of hands.
- the lower-class hand
- square-shaped hand
- conch-shaped hand
- philosophical hand
- artistic hand
- ideal hand
- mixed hand.
Check about types of hands in our next article. The palm reading was started from India, however it is now famous all over the world. Basically to know about the fate and future people believe on Palmistry.
Well let us know in details about all types of hands. It is all based on the theory and conclusion of palmistry. However what so ever it is mentioned in this article you must believe on your hard work and dedication.
- Heart Line
This line runs from the edge of palm towards the middle finger or index finger. The line joining pinky finger to index finger is called heart line. This line represents emotional life, love and relationship with your friends and family. A deep and clear heart line is always represents the above mentioned characteristics.
Head line starts from the edge of palm just below the heart line and runs parallely with heart line and ends at the center of palm. The head line represents intellect, pattern of thinking, decision making power etc. A thick and strainght head line means the person is very much intellectual in all respect.
Life Line
This is a curve line around the base of the thumb and arcs downward towards the wrist. This line repersents good health and vitality. It also shows life path. A long and deep life line is shows good health and long life.
- Fate Line
All the hands may not have this line. This line repersents the influence of the external forces in your life.
This is all about the basic knowledge on palmistry. We will be talking about palmistry in our next article. Basically we provide online help and support for the interested one in our website. Just leave your query in the comment box. Our experts team will reply your question within one working day.
Due to some technical constraints we cannot include the palm line description in Nepali language. Hence if you message us in the comment box our team will reply in your desire languages.