Prohibited Items in Gulf Countries

Prohibited Items in Gulf Countries

Prohibited Items in Gulf Countries

Migrant workers cannot carry following items in gulf countries. Here is the list of Prohibited Items in Gulf Countries.

Prohibited Items in Gulf Countries

All the foreigners visiting in Arabian countries cannot carry the following items.

  • Alcoholic beverage and any psychotropic substances.
  • Marijuana and other related to it.
  • Any other tobacco and smoking items.
  • Food materials including marijuana and its product
  • Medicine related to nervous system stimulation
  • Things that cannot be identified by the custom inspectors
  • Photo videos and books containing vulgar items.
  • DVD and CD related to vulgarity
  • Domestic beer and any other alcoholic drinks
  • Unpacked and doubtful food items without proper wrapping without expiration date
  • Homeopathic medicines
  • Medicines without doctor’s prescription

Beside this there are some more prohibited items in Arabian countries. They are given below.

UAE Dependent Visa Process

If you are willing to go UAE under the dependent visa here we guide you. Just follow these steps for the detail procedure.

Arabian Countries Prohibited Items

  • Any kind of weapons
  • Match box or lighters
  • Acid
  • Brown sugar
  • Food items without proper labeling

Hence the migrant workers must learn this before moving for the abroad job. The case in the Arabian countries is serious. Therefore if you are thing for the foreign employment learns about such issues.

UAE Prohibited Items

There are different rules in different countries. Like people can carry marijuana in the limited amount in some American and European countries. But it is strictly prohibited in some other countries in the world.

American Countries Prohibited Goods

In comparison to Arabian countries American countries are open for alcohol and other food and beverage. However there are some specific items which the visitors and travellers cannot carry. Therefore you must learn the rules of the destination country.

  • Weapons
  • Seeds and food items without proper packing.
  • Medicines

Beside this if you want to learn more about it check the official website of the related countries. Similarly the embassy of the related countries provides such information in their web pages.

Finally we would like to express best wishes to all the abroad job seekers from Nepal.

Stay safe stay happy wherever you are.