Romania is a small European country. Today we are going to discuss on Romania Jobs for Nepali Citizens.

Romania Jobs for Nepali Citizens
Nepali migrant workers are eligible to work in Romania in the following job.
- Cook sushi, Chinese and continental
- Gardeners
- Cook helper
- Bartenders
- Cleaners
- Sewing machine operators
- Boutique helpers
- Baker
- General helpers
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Live and work in Europe
You must have work permit visa to work in any European countries. Therefore to live and work in Romania you must have work permit. Besides working visa you are not allowed to live and work over there.
Climate in Romania
It is somehow similar to Nepal. Hence Nepali citizens can easy adopt the climate of Romania. It is neither too cold nor too hot. Therefore the migrant workers from Nepali find Romania fit for their living.
Major Resources of Romania
Major part of the country is covered by forest. Hence there is large amount of timber production in the country. Similarly the country is rich for natural gas. At the same time there are large number of industries and factories in Romania.
Job Opportunity in Romania
The most migrant Nepali workers get job opportunity in agriculture and industrial sectors. We make the timely updates about job demand in Romania via this page.
Salary in Romania
The salary is different for different jobs in Romania. Therefore you have to choose the job that fits for you knowledge and qualification. However the basic salary is nearly 3000 Romanian currency.
Qualification for Permanent Resident Card
The temporary working visa holder can apply for Permanent Resident. The individual willing to take PR must meet the following requirements.
- Must have minimum 5 years continuous stay in Romania
- Your employer must be regular tax payer for the government
- You must deposit your tax regularly to concerned authority
- Give satisfactory reasons for the PR demand in the application form
- Must have minimum knowledge of Romanian language
Facilities for PR holders
All the migrant workers with PR can change the job easily. But in the lack of PR you can easily change your job. On the top of this PR holders can take their extended family in their work place. Beside this there are many more opportunities for the Permanent resident card holders.