Work Visa Job in Portugal for Nepali !!!

Work Visa Job in Portugal for Nepali !!!

Seasonal Work Visa Job in Portugal

Portugal is a major hub for migrant Nepali workers. Hence today we are going to discuss on Seasonal Work Visa Job in Portugal.

Seasonal Work Visa Job in Portugal

There thousands of Nepali migrant workers currently working in Portugal. The land scape of Portugal is similar to that of Nepal. Similarly, it is the major producer of food crops in Europe.

Therefore Portugal provides working visa job for the migrant workers of different countries. As it is the Schengen country the visa holder can move to any other Schengen country after completing the normal procedures.

Portugal Overview

Portugal is a European country. It is the member of European Union. Hence if you have Schengen visa then you can live and work in any European Union nations. Portugal was founded in 1143 AD. It is occupying total area 92,212 square kilometer. The main language is Portuguese and English.


Portugal has mild winter and pleasant summer. However the climate varies within the country. Basically northern part is cold as compared to southern part.

Easy Jobs for Migrant Workers

  • Sales Representatives both male and female
  • We developer technicians
  • Wait staff and security guards  
  • Bartenders
  • Customers support agents for call centers
  • Multinational companies customers support agents
  • Team supervisors
  • Farm workers
  • House maids
  • Care givers
  • Chefs
  • Nurses
  • Doctors
  • Online game support assistant
  • Real estate agents

Accommodation Cost

The most important part for migrant workers is the cost of accommodation and food stuffs. Here we discuss on average living cost for individuals in Portugal. Living cost in the country side is cheaper compared to main cities. The capital city Lisbon has expensive apartment. However in comparison to the life in northern America it is nearly 50 percent cheaper.

On the other hand Portugal is nearly cheapest country of European Union nations.

Medical facility is cheaper in this country compared to any American or Canadian nations.

Permanent Resident Card for Foreigners

Foreign citizens are eligible to receive permanent resident card in Portugal. However they must meet the minimum requirements for the PR application.

The applicants must have work permit job for minimum 5 years. It means the individual applicant must live and work in Portugal continuously for five years or more.

But it is not sure that all the applicants will get the permanent resident card. On the top of this the applicant needs the knowledge of Portuguese language as well.

Cyprus Job For Nepali

If you are interested on Cyprus job then find the details on it from here. There are several job opportunities for Nepali in Cyprus.

Visas Available in Portugal

The different types of visas available in Portugal are:

Schengen Visa:

It is a kind of visitor visa. The Schengen visa holders can freely travel to any Schengen member countries. But if you are planning to live and work in any Schengen member country then you must take the national visa of that country. This visa will let the visa holders up to 90 days in one entry.

Seasonal Workers Visa:

If the demand of labor cannot be fulfilled from the domestic labor market in such situation the government calls for the seasonal workers visa. The candidates willing to migrate Portugal under this visa needs the following documents.  

  • Official petition file on behalf of the employer
  • Valid passport or travel document
  • Copy of the passport
  • Return ticket
  • Valid travel insurance with medical expenses
  • Proof of enough fund to survive in Portugal
  • Job offer for seasonal work purpose
  • Professional workers must have license to work in your profession.
  • Proof of accommodation if employee is going to manage it or accommodation managed by employer

Seasonal Work Available Sectors

Following are the areas for the seasonal working visa job in Portugal.

  • Agriculture and livestock
  • Hospitality or restaurants and similar other jobs
  • Food, tobacco and liquor industries
  • Gross and retail shops
  • Construction
  • Land transport i.e. driving or transport helpers

Temporary Stay Visa:

This visa lets the individual to remain in Portugal for less than one year. It is multiple entry visas. The visa is valid for the mentioned period of time.

General Requirements for Temporary Stay Visa

  • National application form. It must be filled by the applicant.
  • Two passport size photographs
  • Valid passport other travel documents these documents must be valid till the date of return
  • Police report about the criminal record of the applicants
  • Travel medical insurance
  • Report from the Portuguese Criminal Registry   

Digital Nomad Visa

This digital nomad visa is issued for citizens of non EU countries. The applicant can be freelancer, self-employed or individual entrepreneur. Similarly the visa applicants must have minimum 3040 euro monthly income. On the other hand they need to own residential property either in rent or their own.  

Digital nomad visa gives a right to get Portugal residence permit of two years. This can be extended after following the normal procedure. The resident must stay minimum 183 days a year in Portugal to keep this permit.

Job Seeker Visa

The government of Portugal grants this visa for the job seekers willing to live and work in Portugal. This job seeker visa will let the applicant to live in Portugal for 120 days. Within this period the visa holder must look for the job and can apply for the permanent resident card. However the applicant must fulfill the basic requirements for the visa application as mentioned above.

If you are not able to get the job within 120 days then you must leave the country. The next job seeker visa you can claim only after a year.

D7 Retirement Visa

The Portuguese government has started this D7 retirement visa since 2007. Basically the wealthy persons around the world are attracted to Portugal to boost its economy. Therefore the applicant of this visa must have minimum 8000 euro bank balance. Beside this there are some other official procedures for D7 visa.

 More details you can collect from the official website of Portuguese government.

This much for today, we will be back with more information about different visas in Portugal in our next article.

If you have any question on Seasonal Work Visa Job in Portugal then leave your queries in the comment box below. Our team will answer your questions within one working day.