Here is the list of Work Permit available Countries for Nepali. Therefore migrant workers can select the desired country from this page.
Work Permit available Countries for Nepali
Abroad job is working outside the home country. Migrant workers can go abroad for working in two ways. Namely they are individual and institutional. Individual workers have to approach man power companies themselves while institutional workers need not to approach themselves. The organizations sending them for the employment are responsible for documentation.

History of Abroad Job
If we look at the history of foreign employment it is not so old. Basically young and energetic youths were sent in British and Indian army in that time.
But at the moment major destination of the Nepali migrant workers are gulf countries and some countries of Europe.
Major Destination for Nepali
Gradually and slowly the destination of the migrant Nepali workers is being changed. The last fiscal year data shows that more than 700 thousand Nepali migrant workers issued labor agreement letter from department of foreign employment.
Factors Pushing Nepali Youths in Abroad Jobs
The main reason of migrant workers is the lack of job opportunity in the domestic labor market. There is limited job opportunity outside the agriculture sector in Nepal this is pushing the Nepali youths to move to foreign land for the employment.
Contribution of Remittance in Economy
Since 2006 the developing countries are receiving huge amount of remittance from the migrant workers. The data shows that it is many times bigger than the aid received from the developed countries. In the time of instability the only economic tool was the remittance to keep the country economy afloat.
So in a nut shell we can say that the only life line of the developing countries is the remittance. Till the date there are no any other tools for the betterment of the existing economy of the country.
Things to Do
The migrant workers must follow the rules and regulations of that country. If you are honest and dedicated towards you job that really gives satisfaction to the migrant workers. at this moment Nepal government allows 111 countries for the abroad job.
Demand of Migrant Nepali Workers
Nepali migrant workers are in high demand in most of these countries. The main reason why foreigners choose Nepali workers is their honesty.
List of Countries for Institutional Work Permit
It is the list of countries where Nepali migrant worker go for the abroad job. This list is prepared from the official web page of Nepal government department of foreign affairs.
Beside this if you have any question about the foreign employment leave your queries in the comment box below.
Things to Remember for Migrant Workers
First of all choose the country and job which suits for your knowledge and skill. Unskilled people do not get good payment. Hence try to develop minimum skill before you go for the abroad job. No matter where you work but if you have technical skill certainly you get better salary.
It is the link of Nepal government of foreign affairs. This gives you all kinds of information and notices for the foreign employment. Like how to take work permit from Nepal. It gives list of eligible man power companies in Nepal.
Individual Work Permit
If you are willing to move abroad for the employment then you have to take the work permit from Nepal government yourself. No one can go abroad for the employment without Nepal government permission.